Looking for a preschool for the fall?

I am amazed at how early preschool registration is for the fall.  Many of the preschools around central Indianapolis start registration in January.  If you are thinking you may want to send your young child to preschool, this is the time to start making and a list and visiting the preschools.  There are all types of programs starting as young as 12 months up to kindergarten.    There are church based programs, cooperatives (typically parents volunteer in the classroom once or twice a month, and these programs are usually easier on the pocketbooks), Montessori, day care programs, community preschools with the school district, and the list goes on. 

I did a quick search on what entails a good preschool and found this article: http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_10_Signs_Great/

There is a wonderful resource I just found for local Indianapolis friends with a good summation of many areas around Indianapolis:  http://foryouandthecrew.blogspot.com/p/find-preschool-in-indianapolis-area.html   This list covers all parts of Indianapolis.